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Edible Landscaping With Tropical Fruit Trees By Vk Melhado

Tropical fruit trees make wonderful additions to any landscape of southern Florida. Combine plants with green foliage, brightly colored flowers of all sizes and shapes to create a low maintenance, attractive exterior design. Be creative and intersperse their fruit trees with other native tropical water and add an element or seating area. The options are endless, but the best part comes with the collection of this edible landscape.

Here is a list of some of the tropical fruit trees that are more likely to succeed in the climate of southern Florida. In an effort to inspire you, we have also included some of the more exotic varieties that had never heard of.

Avocado: Introduced to the area in 1833, South Florida climate is ideal for growing this nutritious fruit. There are over 56 different varieties of summer, autumn and winter growing seasons. The skin is green, and can be smooth or rough texture, and tears, the round or football, depending on the species. Avocados have more fat than most fruits, but they are an excellent source of potassium and vitamin A, and used in salads, guacamole, and a great flavor out of the collection tank.

The trees are 40-60 feet tall and produce large quantities of fruits that do not mature until they are picked or fall to the ground.

Growing Conditions: Sunny location with well-drained soil. Season: January to June.

Caimito - Star Apple: This is an ornamental evergreen tree with fresh green or purple fruit and bright green leaves with a brown bottom. The fruit is sweet and gelatinous.The trees ranging from 25 to 100 feet.

Growing Conditions: well-drained, with no possibility of flooding .. Season: Late May to March.

Carambola - Star Fruit: Plant produces a large fleshy berry, 2-6 inches long, with a wax, the yellow skin. A cross-sectional slices produced a perfect star shape - hence the name. The trees are considered small and medium-tall (35 feet), with dark green leaves and flowers.

It is a big star in fruit salads or served as an ice cream juice, canned, dried or preserved. Not recommended for people with kidney disease due to high concentration of oxalic acid.

Growing Conditions: Sunny location with protection from the wind. Season: July-September, November and February.

Mango: Native to Asia and India, mango trees have grown up in Florida at least 100 years. These trees medium to large (up to 100 feet) with a number of varieties and production of an abundant crop of tasty fruit. When collected, mangoes are light green, but are best eaten when the fruit softens slightly and the skin becomes yellow, red or orange color. The fruit is a good source of vitamins A and C, and knows very well in salads, bread, or mashed.

Growing Conditions: These trees are hardy and easy to grow. Season: May to October.

Passion Fruit: This vine produces purple, yellow or reddish fruit surrounded by a sweet, orange flesh. The juice makes a great punch.

Growing Conditions: Passion Fruit vines should be planted in an area where they can be supported by a fence or trellis in a sunny spot with well-drained soil. Season: June to December.

Tamarindo: This is a large tree (up to 80 feet), with rough bark, twisting evergreen branches and foliage. The flowers are a pale yellow with red veins that appear in early summer. The fruit is hidden in brown pods and seeds contain a large sticky, brown, edible pulp. The molasses as pulp can be used to flavor sauces and meat sauce. Season: April to June.

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